Bannockburn Road, Turramurra - Proposed speed cushions

Project Overview

Council is seeking community input about a proposal to install speed cushions on Bannockburn Road between Avalon Street and Murdoch Street in Turramurra.

Before deciding if the proposal should be considered by the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee for approval, we are seeking community feedback to gauge support.

Consultation closes Friday 29 November 2024.

Project information

Why is a change being considered?

Council has received several complaints from residents about traffic speeds on Bannockburn Road to the north of Pentecost Street.  This section of Bannockburn Road is relatively long and straight, which can encourage some motorists to drive at excessive speeds.  Traffic counts undertaken in late 2022 have shown that significant numbers of vehicles are travelling at excessive speed along Bannockburn Road.

Council has recently consulted with directly affected residents regarding a proposed roundabout at the intersection with Coolabah Avenue, in order to slow traffic.  However, the roundabout will not be proceeding due to strong resident objections.

What is being considered?

Speed cushions are proposed at the following 3 locations on Bannockburn Road;

  • South of Princes Street, outside #89
  • North of Coolabah Ave, outside #97
  • North of Canberra Ave, outside #109

The speed cushions will not result in the loss of any on-street parking spaces, as parking is permitted adjacent to them.  The speed cushions will be effective in slowing traffic in the vicinity of the local shopping centre and childcare centre, which is an area of high vehicle and pedestrian activity.

View the concept plan below. You can download a larger version here 

Have your say

Before submitting this proposal to the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee, we want to hear from impacted residents. Your feedback will guide our decision-making process. Let us know your thoughts by completing the survey below.

More information

Contact Michael Foskett, Team Leader Traffic e: p:9424 0000.