Project information
Why is a change being considered?
Residents have raised safety concerns with Council regarding the Clanville Road and Trafalgar Avenue intersection. This location has seen three two-vehicle collisions in the five years to 2023, all involving northbound vehicles on Trafalgar Avenue.
Northbound drivers on Trafalgar Avenue have poor visibility when looking left onto Clanville Road. While the rightward view is better, it's slightly obscured by roadside bushes. This limited visibility likely contributed to the accidents.
What is being considered?
In order to improve safety at the intersection, Council is considering the construction of a roundabout, as shown on the Concept Plan below. It is also proposed that speed cushions be installed on both Clanville Road approaches to the roundabout, to reduce vehicle speeds.
Concept plan
View the concept plan below. You can download a larger version here
What could happen in the future?
This project has not yet been funded. If the proposal is approved by the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee. Council will seek funding from Transport for NSW under its Accident Blackspot Program
More information
Contact Michael Foskett, Team Leader Traffic e: p:9424 0000