Dumaresq Street Park

Project Overview

CONSULTATION NOW CLOSED - please refer the to the main project page on Council's website

Council is creating a new public open space in central Gordon.

The park will provide a new open space for residents and workers in Gordon close to local shops and services.

This is a short-term solution until long-term plans for the Gordon Civic Hub project are developed.

Project information

In 2007 Ku-ring-gai Council purchased three neighbouring properties on Dumaresq Street in Gordon to create a park as part of the long term plans for the Gordon Civic Hub Project.

Recently, the property at 9 Dumaresq Street was demolished and as a result of a Notice of Motion at the 21 November 2023 Council Meeting, plans are now underway to turn this vacant 1458 sq metre site into an open space for the local community.

Council has the opportunity to create a new public open space at 9 Dumaresq Street at a relatively low cost until longer term plans can be developed.

With simple low-cost additions Council plans to transform the site into a usable outdoor space. This will include:

  • Remove most fencing, leaving the western boundary fence
  • Earthworks to provide flatter grassed areas
  • Adding new seating and bins
  • Improve the entrance from Dumaresq Street
  • Retain and protect all existing trees
  • Remove planting along Dumaresq St and replant with low groundcover for better visibility

Concept Plan

View the concept plan below. If you wish to see a larger version, download the concept plan here .

Please note that the concept reflects a short-term arrangement which is reflected in the simple nature of the design.



Get in touch

Contact: Landscape Architect - Marysia O’Shea

Email: moshea@krg.nsw.gov.au

Phone: 9424 0000