Eastern Road Turramurra Streetscape Upgrades - Concept Plan

Project Overview

CONSULTATION NOW CLOSED. We are now reviewing the concept plan and will be carrying out further consultation in late 2024 or early 2025.

Ku-ring-gai Council is upgrading the pedestrian and car parking area at Eastern Road shopping centre in Turramurra. Our aim is to make the centre more attractive for businesses and their customers. The project is part of our Neighbourhood Centres Revitalisation Program.

Using feedback captured from the community during the first phase of consultation in 2022, a concept plan for the upgrade has been developed. We are now seeking community feedback to ensure the plan meets the needs of local people and businesses.

The aim of the project is to give a facelift to the Eastern Road shopping area. Works will include new paving, seating and landscaping as well as adjustments to the car parking to improve access and traffic flow. The project is being undertaken in the location outlined in the map below.

Concept plan

The concept plan proposes a range of upgrades and changes in the precinct including:

  1. Widening, extension and resurfacing of footpaths
  2. New short term parallel parking spots
  3. New raised concrete walls, seating, planting and bin enclosures
  4. New raised platform with pedestrian crossing at intersection of Tennyson Avenue and Eastern Road
  5. New indent parking spots
  6. New pedestrian crossing at car park entrance
  7. Proposed one way exit to Tennyson Avenue

View the full concept plan here or refer to the diagrams below.

Proposed changes to roads and parking

The concept diagram below outlines proposed changes relating to the road and parking

Proposed changes to the centre

The diagram below outlines proposed upgrades to the centre