Project information
The playspace at Mimosa Oval is categorised as a local playground. Local playgrounds generally cater for residents within walking distance and are not designed to attract users from much further afield. They are the most common category of playgrounds within the Council and usually do not include facilities such as toilets as they are intended for shorter stays.
Project aim
Our goal for the upgrade is to create an attractive, engaging and inclusive community place for everyone to enjoy. It will be a place to meet, play and relax that enhances the local neighbourhood and growing residential community.
Project design and concept plan
Results from the initial community consultation guided key elements of the concept plan, including accessible pathways and equipment for older children. We understand the importance of the sports field and have designed the playspace to remain mainly within its existing footprint.
The upgraded playground will feature:
- Nature based play equipment (forest Structure, climbing totems/rope/grips, glockenspiel, bird nest swing, balance posts)
- Improved access & infrastructure (bubbler, gates, fence, bin, bike racks, concrete & granite paths, accessible parking)
- Ground treatments (rubber & mulch softfall, new retaining walls, stepping stones)
- Landscaping (new planting, extra shade trees, restored decomposed granite paths)
- Tree Management (Retention of healthy mature trees)
- Seating (sandstone seating, plinth seat)
See the concept diagram below. For a larger version please click here