Better planning between Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon stations

Project overview


Council has sought feedback on five scenarios to deliver new housing supply around Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon stations.

One of these scenarios is based on the NSW Government’s existing Transport Oriented Development (TOD) planning policy. This scheme was introduced in May 2024 and rezones low-density areas within 400m of the stations for apartment buildings.

Four other scenarios have been prepared by Council. The scenarios seek to retain and protect heritage and improve urban tree canopy outcomes.

All scenarios deliver the same level of housing supply (23,200 new homes).

Community consultation closed on Tuesday 17 December.

What's being considered

Council’s planning principles

Council is seeking to achieve better planning outcomes near Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon stations and has developed seven principles to achieve this.

These are:

  1. Avoid environmentally sensitive areas
  2. Minimise heritage item impacts
  3. Preserve heritage conservation areas
  4. Minimise tree canopy impacts
  5. Manage transition impacts
  6. Ensure appropriate building heights
  7. Support local centre revitalisation

Council has also developed, and is seeking feedback on, five housing scenarios for these areas which either meet all, some or none of the above principles.

Summary of the scenarios

Here are the five scenarios in simple terms:

  • Scenario 1: Based on the NSW Government's existing Transport Oriented Development (TOD) policy which zones areas within a 400m radius of stations for 6-8 storey development without minimal protection for heritage or environmental areas.
  • Scenario 2a: Protects 78% of heritage neighbourhoods and allows building up to 25 storeys in town centres.
  • Scenario 2b: A minor amendment to the NSW Government’s TOD policy, which protects 31% of heritage areas and allows buildings up to 15 storeys in town centres.
  • Scenario 3a: Preserves all heritage areas and delivers a high level of tree protection. However, it means very tall buildings in town centres - up to 45 storeys in Gordon.
  • Scenario 3b: Also preserves all heritage areas but to limit building heights in town centres to a maximum of 20 storeys. Spreads apartment buildings further from stations.

See more information about the scenarios in section below.

Scenarios in detail


Click on the 'Full screen' icon located in the middle of the image to view the interactive report in full screen. You can preview the pages of the report and flick between pages by clicking on the left arrow (to go to previous page) and right arrow (to go to next page).

Scenario video

This video provides indicative overviews of each scenario across the four station areas (maximise video to view)

Providing feedback

The community was invited to provide feedback on the scenarios between 15 November and 17 December. Results of this consultation are now being analysed.

Next steps

It is proposed that Council will consider community feedback on the scenarios at a meeting in March 2025. 

If there is Council support for a preferred scheme it may request the NSW Government for approval to formally exhibit it as a planning scheme to replace the NSW Government’s TOD policy. The exhibition will be a further opportunity for the public to comment. 

This formal exhibition process would be likely to include more detailed maps showing precise floor space, height and other controls for specific land parcels. 

Before making a decision on the scenarios, Council will also be carefully considering how they integrate with the NSW Government’s Low and Mid-Rise reforms which affect areas within 400-800m of stations (see further information on this issue in Your Questions Answered on this page).