Ku-ring-gai Community Strategic Plan - planning for the future


The CSP sets a long-term vision for the Ku-ring-gai area over a 10 year period. A CSP addresses key areas such as infrastructure, services, environmental sustainability, and social wellbeing. It guides Council’s decisions and ensures that the needs of the community are reflected in future planning. To find out more about Community Strategic Planning, see the NSW Office of Local Government website.

Ku-ring-gai 2032 refers to the Community Strategic Plan prepared for the Ku-ring-gai local government area between 2022-2032. Ku-ring-gai 2032 also includes a four-year Delivery Program and one-year Operational Plans that outline specific actions to achieve the high-level goals and strategies of the Community Strategic Plan for Ku-ring-gai residents.

The current Ku-ring-gai 2032 was last updated in 2022. Council’s legislative obligations require the CSP to be reviewed every four years. Apart from this obligation, it is important for Ku-ring-gai Council to regularly engage their community to revisit, review and make updates to ensure that the vision is up-to-date and remains focused on the evolving needs of the community. By 2032, many aspects of society are forecast to change within Ku-ring-gai. With Ku-ring-gai growth, the values, priorities and needs will change. Community engagement will be undertaken, reviewing Ku-ring-gai 2032 to inform the updated Community Strategic Plan for Ku-ring-gai.

Your feedback will play a key role in shaping the updated Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and guiding Council's future actions and investments. It will offer valuable insights into community priorities, helping Council make decisions that reflect the community’s changing needs.

Everyone in the Ku-ring-gai community is encouraged to participate, including residents, local businesses, community organisations, and government agencies. We aim to gather diverse perspectives to ensure the Community Strategic Plan represents the entire community.

You’ll have multiple opportunities to share your vision for Ku-ring-gai's future. Engagement activities include  forums, surveys, and online platforms where you can contribute your ideas. Detailed information on these activities are shared on this project page.

From July 2025.

Yes. Using information captured in the first phase of community engagement we'll develop the new CSP. When complete we'll put the document on public exhibition so the community can have futher input. This will be around March/April 2025.